The humanitarian sector is at a turning point: A New Era of Humanitarian FinancingLiana Ghukasyan, Special Advisor to IFRC President...
2nd Tech Pioneers Awards
IFRC Solferino Academy — MDH Challenge, Apply now
Connect Technology Conference
2025 — Doha, Qatar
Welcome to the
IFRC Solferino Academy
Think and Do Tank
MDH Challenge
Responses to Misinformation, Disinformation
and Harmful information (MDH)
This competition seeks tech–based responses to counteract MDH
This competition has two categories, Existing Projects and Future Projects.
Win a trip to the Connect Summit in Doha, funding, mentorship, tech consultancy and more.
Deadline: March 16, 2025
IFRC Solferino Academy Annual Report
Who we are, what we do and why
Leadership voices
Will we see more parity in humanitarian financing?
Will we see more parity in humanitarian financing? — Alexander Matheou Last year, while the world was rightly focused on the great...
Is Your Organisation Still Relevant?
Relevance is a word that resonates deeply in the world of humanitarian organisations. In an era marked by geopolitical upheavals,...
IFRC Solferino Academy Framework on Leadership (for the future)
Thought pieces
Decolonising Aid: Reimagining Local Leadership in Crisis Response
Decolonising Aid: Reimagining Local Leadership in Crisis Response, Lutalo Wycliff Henry, Volunteer, Uganda Red Cross Society – Mukono...
The Power of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Emblem
Liana Ghukasyan’s 23-year journey with the Red Cross began unexpectedly, when she recognised the emblem from her childhood in Armenia,...
Will Humanitarian Principles remain a Compass in Polarised Times?
Feedback from the IFRC Strategy 2030 Mid-Term Consultations with the IFRC Network The below piece is part of the analysis we have...
The Strategic Foresight Book
Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity to shape tomorrow The decisions we make now will impact the future, and that future will hold...
Humanitarian Leadership for the Future
When 2023 is the new 2030 “We can’t predict everything but we can have curiosity, agility, flexibility and drive to always learn”...
How to Create a (Data) Playbook
IFRC Strategy 2030 cites transformations of collaborating as a distributed network and undergoing a digital transformation as two...
Innovation Stories
Innovation in the Face of Adversity: A report from the skies
Floods in Kenya have impacted 43 counties, prompting the Kenya Red Cross Society and the International Centre for Humanitarian Affairs...
APDRC’s Approach to Innovation: Building Endless Connections
Stepping into 2024, the Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center (APDRC) reflects on a year of innovation, notably launching the RE:...
The Humanitarian Data Detective game — A new way to encourage use of IFRC GO
Over the past month, we have been collaborating with IFRC Solferino Academy to create a game which draws a new audience to...
Trends and Transformation
The Accordion of Change: Navigating Digital Transformation in Humanitarian Work
The digital landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by advances in AI and emerging technologies, alongside internal shifts in skills and...
Strategy 2030 Mid-Term Review and Forecast
As we reach the midpoint of Strategy 2030, we are entering a new humanitarian era. A complex mass of emerging trends is changing the...
Future of Vulnerability: Humanity in the Digital Age
Humanitech, an initiative of Australian Red Cross, recently released a report titled Future of Vulnerability: Humanity in the Digital...
Insights and Inspirations
Sounding the Alarm: a unique role in Early Warning Early Action
Amid escalating climate uncertainties, the Global Disater Preparedness Center (GDPC)'s unique position in our Network bridges critical...
In Kenya, ICHA tells us what to look out for in 2024
In a time of lofty global goals and big initiatives and commitments, at the International Center for Humanitarian Affairs (ICHA) in...
Innovation for the people
When you think of the word 'innovation', what, or who comes to mind? Is it Edison and the lightbulb, or Marie Curie and her discovery...
The Strategic Foresight Book
Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity to shape tomorrow
Have you got something to say?
Call for Papers
Do you have a story of change, a tale of transformation or innovation insights to share with our network? Share your idea with us, and we will tell the story together.
The IFRC Solferino Academy helps National Societies of the IFRC network transform so they can be more fit for the challenges and opportunities of the future. We aim to help National Societies be more anticipatory, agile and innovative.
We do this in alignment with the transformation priorities of the IFRC Strategy 2030 and the IFRC Agenda for Renewal.
Our three areas of focus are;
We help leaders transform for the future
We support leadership in all its forms to develop the capabilities and insights needed to lead transformation, adapt to changing realities and to build systems and cultures for change.
We are a Think Tank for the IFRC Network
We provide platforms for new thinking and approaches where National Societies can learn from others and strengthen their own strategies and transformation processes.
We catalyse and promote Innovation
We develop initiatives that help promote innovation and the enabling environments necessary for it to thrive in our network.
Our Major Partner is the Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross)