Information Sessions

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Ecuadorian Red Cross, How To Fall In Love With a Problem and survive solving it, (Spanish)

Danish Red Cross Youth, Sprint Innovation Journey, From challenge to action, (English)

Five things you need to know about social video, (Spanish) – AJ+

Five things you need to know about social video, (English) – AJ+

Five things you need to know about social video, (Arabic) – AJ+

Five things you need to know about social video, (French) – AJ+

Networks – Implementing and scaling innovation, German Red Cross (Spanish)

Networks – Implementing and scaling innovation, German Red Cross (English)

Leading Innovation, Australian Red Cross, (English)

Leading Innovation, Australian Red Cross, (Spanish)

Humanitarian Innovation, Kenyan Red Cross (Spanish)

Humanitarian Innovation, Kenyan Red Cross (English)

How digital innovation can tackle challenges brought by Covid-19