I'm Muhammad Saleem from Pakistan, I'm a professional social worker during pandemic I have started supporting donations (to collect money to brought food packages and prevention services, to give to families in Pakistan). Because this is the time we need to help...
I feel so proud to have the opportunity to take part in this meaningful act
Malaysian government-enforced Movement Control Order (MCO) to prevent further spread of coronavirus and to flatten the curve of COVID-19. However, young volunteers of Malaysian Red Crescent remain active during this period to continue to serve the community. We...
Practice Qi Gong in coping with COVID-19 stress
Our emotions easily get affected during this COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, it's important to foster our personal resilience and inner peace. As a YABC peer educator, I recorded video to demonstrate Qi Gong, an oriental exercise to cultivate the life force within us,...
La solidaridad nos motiva a ser una mano amiga, siempre y en tiempos de COVID-19
Durante estos días he logrado observar que la solidaridad motiva a los voluntarios a dar lo mejor de sí, con tal de ayudar a las personas vulnerables aún ante el riesgo de poder contagiarse. Es grato ver como las personas de la comunidad se sienten aliviadas al...
Maybe, we don’t have any special memory with them but we’ll never forget those days
Hi friends from Turkey, I´m Merve. I wanted to share our story about Covid-19. What did we do during Covid-19? Our Covid-19 adventure started with the first case in Turkey, on 10th March. First of all, as we Turkish Red Crescent Youth Volunteers in Karabuk, we raised...
Preparing hand sanitizer for community people against COVID-19
My name ASHIMA KAYAL & I am 35(F) years old. I SERV Instructor and WASH Demonstrator for IRCS ( South 24 Parganas District Branch) for 1 year. In the current difficult situation with COVID 19 spreading in India as well as my community areas I am more inspired from...