“When you run into something good, share it with others. That is how goodness is spread into most remote corners of the world.” This is quotation with which I’m starting my story about the COVID-19 response, but also the quotation with which I started my story in the...
Thanks In the Eyes
Hello big IFRC family, I am Onur from Turkey. I am the corporate communication executive of the Turkish Red Crescent Youth university club at my school. Before the first Coronavirus case was diagnosed in our country, we had already started to inform people and have...
Coronavirus has disconnected people physically, socially, and emotionally
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has disconnected people physically, socially, and emotionally. Together with the social movements in the past half-year, Hong Kong is encountering a double whammy. The accumulated emotions make it a very tough time. Without...
I understood that once more I was something very honorable
Hi, I am Hayriye from Kayseri/Turkey. I have been in the Turkish Red Crescent Youth family for about 1 year and responsible for the secretariat unit. I had the opportunity to attend many activities, but the event that affected me the most was the distribution of food...
Hello, My name is Sidar. I’m from Turkey. I’m 21 years old. I’m a volunteer at the Turkish Red Crescent Youth University club at my school. I have been a Red Crescent for a year. We experienced a lot of things during the Covid-19 process. Our lifestyles changed...
My life has been completely changed
Even since the outbreak of COVID-19 since Jan, my life has been completely changed. Things become uncontrollable, people become anxious, living style becomes isolated. Even in my building, there are several confirmed cases. Nevertheless, it is a blessing that I do...