Co-written by Nepal Red Cross, Cameroon Red Cross, and IFRC Solferino Academy The Red Cross Red Crescent works in communities around...
Thought Pieces
A call for humanitarian consistency
Maryann Horne, Senior Humanitarian advisor for Crises and Emergencies for Asia Pacific looks at of the global impacts of the Ukraine...
Introducing collective crisis intelligence
AI and predictive analytics are increasingly being piloted to predict humanitarian crises and needs. However, crisis-affected...
Covid-19 Is a Call for Universalism
Crises are by definition breaking points. Something that we thought would hold – peace, health, transit system, electric supply, a way...
3 things we can be proud of in 2020 and 3 things to focus on in 2021
Any way you look at it 2020 was unprecedented, complex and challenging, and there is little indication that things will get any easier...
It’s time to talk about paying volunteers
Should volunteers be paid for their labour? Such a question may seem a contradiction in terms – isn’t the point of volunteering that...
Leadership Voices
6 things we need to be great at during S2030
Going to scale: In 2016, I attended a roundtable to discuss plans to mitigate a major hunger crisis in southern Africa. Agencies and...
Nine Trends that will shape how National Societies will work together during Strategy 2030
At British Red Cross, we’ve been writing our international strategy at the same time as the Strategy 2030 consultations have been...
Insights and Inspirations
Evolving and Iterating the Data Playbook V1 during our second co-creation sprint
Introduction We are hosting iterative sprints to design and get input to the development of the Data Playbook V1. We launched...
Design your next community-driven event: lessons from Data and Digital Week
April 2021 saw the Red Cross Red Crescent’s first-ever week-long, participant-driven and fully virtual event organised around one...
Sprint to join a shared learning journey on data literacy
What is the data playbook? The IFRC Data Playbook is a collection of social learning materials for developing data skills for...
Data is a team sport: Co-Creating V1 of the Data Playbook
“Telling a National Society that you want to support them with data literacy can be confusing and unclear. Data literacy is a broad...
How can digital IDs facilitate humanitarian aid?
Invisibility of the vulnerable: a paradox for humanitarians “The humanitarian sector cannot help people if it fails to see them....
The Red Cross Red Crescent Journey to Digital Transformation
The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) hosted the first ever Data & Digital week from the 19th...
Innovation Stories
“We came up with a handmade, reusable solution that reduces the cost of menstrual pads by 75% to 90% annually.”
A Limitless impact story from Uganda Hello! my name is Esther, and I am a youth volunteer from the Uganda Red Cross. I'm excited to...
“We couldn’t believe it, we saw depression and anxiety levels reduced by 80% among children and teenagers!”
A Limitless impact story from Ecuador Hola! My name is Darwin Carvallo, and I am an Ecuadorian Red Cross youth volunteer and one of...
“As raw materials, we used non-disposable manufactured products. The initiative was a tremendous success!”
A Limitless Impact Story from Uganda Have you ever turned your small idea into a local innovation? Here’s my innovation journey with...
Tech for good — what does it actually look like?
If you think you don’t need to design for safety, dignity and trust, you are missing something. New and emerging technologies have the...
Shamuk, reducing electronic waste by giving it a second life
Shamuk, leaving no one behind, is a project that seeks to reduce electronic waste by giving it a second life. It reduces the digital...
Brothers across Borders – Interactive film based on true stories
Brothers across Borders is an interactive film based on the true stories of Syrian refugees in Turkey. You are Ismaël, a 21 years old...
Limitless Stories
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Trends and Transformations
Natural Disasters, Climate Change, and Depletion of Resources
Climate and disasters Climate-related impacts are expected to intensify significantly in the coming years, deepening struggles for...
Future of work
Future of work Advances in technologies will result in workforce shifts and a youth bulge grappling with the lack of productive...
Participation and engagement
Participation and engagement The nature of volunteering is changing; communities are engaging with social, humanitarian, and...
Adapting to and experimenting with new technologies and dynamics
Emerging technology The technological revolution is dramatically changing how we live and work. How do we support communities to take...
New Communities
New communities and cities Migration, urbanization, the youth bulge, ageing populations and, highly networked citizens are changing...
Power and Governance
Power and Governance Shifting powers structures and increased skepticism is challenging institutions. How can the network continue to...
Volunteering Voices
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