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This page provides helpful resources that help us in the Strategy 2030 engagement process. Feel free to download them and give us feedback and suggestions to keep improving these materials.

The Futures Wheel

The futures wheel is a useful tool to explore the convergence of two or more trends and what the impact of this convergence could potentially be. Any trends can be chosen and any groups/organisations or societies can be chosen to explore the impacts on them. The main thing to focus on is what happens when trends come together, what might be the outcomes and how might they affect us?

Scenarios and visions

Are we prepared?

Are we fit to serve the needs of future citizens and communities?

Will what we have to offer be wanted and needed?

Slide decks

Get the latest Strategy 2030 presentation.

Workshop card sets

Print uniquely designed cards used in S2030 consultations.

Enabling actions posters

Print the  five strategic areas of focus that explore tensions and considerations for the network.

World builder

Access the S2030 ‘world builder’ containing engaging foresight exercises and futures-thinking activities.

Phase 2: What are the internal focus areas?

This slide deck focuses on the main thematic areas founded so far through the ‘understanding of the environment’  consultation phase.

Phase 1: How is the world Changing?

The following presentation reflects the first level of the Strategy 2030 process: Understanding the Environment. It depicts a series of trends and transformations affecting vulnerability and the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Workshop card sets


Transformation cards

The following set of cards represent a summary of seven transformations suggested for addressing the global challenges in Strategy 2030.

Global challenges cards

The following set of cards represent a summary of five global challenges addressed in Strategy 2030.

Drivers of change ‘Thematic Areas’

The following set of cards represent a summary of the nine thematic areas identified so far during the ‘understanding of the environment’ phase.


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Drivers of change ‘Trends and Emerging Issues’

The following set of cards provide 34 trends and emerging issues identified during the first consultation phase.


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Download the enabling actions posters



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التحميل الان


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world builder

This A1-sized board contains a series of futures activities that complement other resources, follow the each of the instructions to craft visions and multiple scenarios