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TRACKS | Description |
ACT | What is the RCRC doing on climate? And what more do we need to do? These problem- and solution-oriented sessions will be based on experiences and lessons learned, and seek to accelerate action across the Red Cross Red Crescent network. |
EMPOWER | What can we share and give to others? How can we support volunteers and communities we work with to address climate risks? These sessions will focus on capacity building, awareness-raising, community engagement and local leadership. |
INFLUENCE | How can we leverage our auxiliary role and partnerships to influence change and raise ambition globally? Focus of these sessions will be on policy engagements and humanitarian diplomacy from local to global level. |
TRANSFORM | What changes are needed in the ways we work? How can we be fit for the future in a changing climate? In these sessions we will look at innovations, greening and organisational changes. |
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Themes | Brief description and link to resources |
Climate-smart DRR (disaster risk reduction) | How are National Societies and partners reducing vulnerability and exposure of people to climate impacts through climate-smart DRR? Sessions under this theme will explore actions to raise communities’ awareness of climate risks, how to use climate and weather information in assessing risk and vulnerability in designing projects, and how to sustainably address rising risks of climate change at the community level. • Climate-smart disaster risk reduction: PREVENT. REDUCE. PREPARE. • Ambitions to address the climate crisis • Climate Smart Programming |
Forecast-based financing and EWEA (early warning early action) | How can we enable early action through the use of forecast-based financing and other anticipatory financing tools? Sessions under this theme will explore how in-depth forecast information and risk analysis can be used to anticipate disasters, prevent their impact, if possible, and reduce human suffering and losses. • Forecast-based Financing |
Health | How does climate change impact human health? These sessions will unpack how to integrate climate considerations into health programmes; anticipate the health-related consequences of climate change and environmental degradation; and scale up health literacy, hygiene promotion, and community preparedness interventions for climate-related diseases. Sessions can also focus on how to use climate information to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impacts of climate-related health emergencies. • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Climate-resilient livelihoods and services, and sustainable water resource management | How can we support climate-resilient livelihoods and promote sustainable water resource management in a changing climate? Sessions will explore how we can work with communities to strengthen the resilience of their livelihoods. This includes supporting communities to adopt climate-smart practices combining traditional and scientific knowledge and technologies, maximizing the use of weather and climate information in diversifying their livelihoods activities, as well as ensuring that essential services are resilient to hazards. These session may also look at how to use climate change projections to strengthen water resource management practices in areas which are, or will be, water-stressed, and seek demand-side solution • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Conflict | How do climate risk and conflict interact? Sessions under this theme will unpack these dynamics and how they put pressure on at risk communities. Sessions can also tackle how conflicts, especially when protracted, erode and challenge institution-building, and states’, groups’, and individuals’ ability to handle, adapt to and plan for climate change. • The impacts of climate change on humanitarian needs • When rain turns to dust: climate change, conflict and humanitarian action • Double Vulnerabilities - ODI, ICRC, RCCC |
Climate displacement | What actions can we take to address the rising incidence of climate-related displacement? Sessions under this theme can cover what is needed for better mapping, understanding and predicting climate-related population movements; preparing for and responding to the humanitarian needs of climate-related displaced communities while addressing the needs of host communities; and enhancing support for climate-smart durable solutions to enable safe, voluntary and dignified return, local integration or resettlement according to the wishes and priorities of displaced people. • Disasters and Displacement in a Changing Climate • Climate and Disaster Displacement: The Importance of Disaster Law and Policy • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Urban | What is the relationship between urbanization and climate change? Sessions will unpack the unique challenges of operating in urban contexts where the adverse impacts of disasters, climate change, protracted conflicts and pandemics will be acutely felt, putting a greater number of people at risk, reversing hard-won development gains, and forcing tens of millions of urban residents to face increased vulnerabilities. • Integrating climate change and urban risks into the VCA • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Youth and volunteers | How we can leverage and build our volunteer and youth networks to reduce the impacts of the climate crisis? Sessions will unpack this question and consider both new volunteer and youth engagement platforms and entry points for current volunteers to deepen their engagement, as well as through empowering more young people and encouraging a wider audience to volunteer in climate action by expanding/diversifying the types of volunteer opportunities, including crowdsourcing ideas from volunteers and enabling volunteers to self-organise. • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Private sector | What is the RCRC’s current and future engagement with the private sector in reducing the impacts of climate change and extreme-weather events on vulnerable people? Sessions under this theme will discuss the innovations, products, services, political influence, capacity to shape behaviour, and investments of both multinational corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential for enhancing the resilience of marginalized and vulnerable communities across the world in the face of climate variability and weather extremes. • Companies and Climate Resilience |
Influencing investments, laws, policies and plans (local to global) | What is the RCRC’s global and regional engagement and advocacy in climate change policy space? Sessions under this theme will consider our key policy asks and how to deliver them including the ways the National Societies are supporting their governments in shaping national and local laws, policies and plans to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement. • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Framework for Climate Action Towards 2020 • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Nature-based solutions | How can we pursue and scale-up the use of nature-based and ecosystem-based solutions, such as mangroves and wetlands, to reduce risks and contribute to climate change mitigation? Sessions under this topic will include focus on innovative approaches, challenges and opportunities for doing so as well as key partnerships needed. • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Sustainability, greening, mitigation and environment | What are the different ways to green our way of working, to mitigate climate change, to develop and promote green response options and to measurably reduce our own carbon footprint and environmental impact? Join these sessions to find out. • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Framework for Climate Action Towards 2020 • Ambitions to address the climate crisis |
Gender | How does climate change exacerbate existing vulnerabilities that can lead to further marginalisation of vulnerable groups? This theme will focus particularly on how women, youth and vulnerable groups can be effective agents of change for both mitigation and adaptation. • Gender and Climate Change |
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Session types
Get Inspired | Brief description and links to resources |
Get Inspired: Ignite Talks (10minutes) | You can propose to deliver an ignite talk or to host your own session that has a series of ignite talks. Ignite talks are 5-minute-long presentations, where each presenter uses 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Examples: Ignite. Enlighten us, but make it quick |
Get Inspired: Games for learning and dialogue (60-90 minutes) | Host a fun games session where participants can play games that provide an opportunity to learn, create and innovate. Virtually Amazing meeting design and facilitation techniques |
Learn: Panels and discussions (90mins) | Organise a diverse set of speakers to provide expert or country-experience grounded perspectives on key questions, ensuring interactive discussions and space for discussion. |
Learn: Propose a specific speaker | Propose and invite an expert or high profile person to participate in a panel discussion in the Plenary section of the summit. |
Get Inspired: Live Q&A with experts (30mins) | Propose and invite an expert to deliver a presentation or short talk and to answer the participants’ questions live during the session about the chosen topic(s). |
Joint Problem-Solving: Doctor-patient clinics (60mins) | Host a session where you can propose a problem you are facing and people come along as ‘doctors’ to offer you advice. |
Joint Problem-Solving: Fishbowls (90mins) | Propose a session where you nominate a small group of knowledgeable people (the fish inside the bowl) to discuss the topics at hand, while the larger participants group (outside the bowl) actively listen, observe and take notes. Roles can also be rotated. Facilitate a Fishbowl Discussion |
Joint Problem-Solving: Workshops (90mins) | Propose a session where a limited number of participants can join you to work on solving a problem that you may all be facing. You should design these sessions to be interactive and collaborative, and to result in some proposed solutions that you could all potentially work on together. |
Connect to Collaborate / Branches Connect | If you are a branch and you want to be matched to another branch from around the world so that you can learn from each other and discuss projects, challenges and ideas, then register here for our branches connect session. |
Virtual Tours | Submit your virtual / 360° / audio-visual tour to take your participants to virtually experience your topic. You can also propose including a virtual tour to other kinds of sessions, for example leading into a discussion. Example: Finnish Red Cross 360° video of drought in Somalia |
Other ideas? | We are open to your proposals! |
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Criteria for session hosts and presenters
To host a session or deliver a presentation please ensure you have met the following criteria:
- Gender balance among speakers.
- Highly interactive and engaging formats. See also Virtually Amazing meeting design and facilitation techniques.
- Climate:Red Summit tech tools and considerations.
- Content is delivered in either English, Spanish, French or Arabic.
- Where possible, sessions include cultural elements reflecting topic, presenters, geographic focus, etc.
- Don’t forget to check our Climate:Red Summit tech tools and considerations.
To submit your session or presentation proposal, please ensure you meet the above criteria and then complete the application form:
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Collaborative Tools to be used by workshop hosts
Before choosing any particular set of tools to host your virtual workshops, you should consider various factors in your planning so that you can make it as successful as possible.
What are you trying to get out of the workshop?
- Change of perception
- Insights into a particular problem/area
- Feedback on existing work or approaches?
What tools do you need to do this?
- Real-time communication – audio / video
- Real time documentation – text /diagrams
- Collaborative brainstorming – formatted documents / templates
Who are your audience?
- What are the language skills involved?
- Is everyone technology literate?
- Remote participation can be hard, activities that would take 10 mins in real life may take longer virtually.
- Create an agenda and be open with your participants about what your aims and goals for the session are.
Core tools to facilitate a workshop
There are two key tools required for a successful workshop.
- Communication channel – audio / video
- Platform for activities – text / diagrams/ illustrations / audio / voting
Communication channels
Zoom (recommended) ( – This is a peer-to-peer video conferencing platform. As part of the conference the IFRC are able to create your own session / room for your workshop.
- Allows for video or audio conversations with multiple guests
- Can share screens / slides / audio
- Allows small group work
- Has an interpretation function
- Has mobile app
- Can join in mobile or browser
Alternatives to Zoom – Collaborate instantly with free screen sharing, unlimited audio, and ridiculously simple video conferencing
Mentimeter – An interactive presentation platform with features that enable you to prepare, present and analyze presentations.
Live streaming a tour or activity
Twitter Live – Users can broadcast live, with comments and show support through likes.
Facebook Live – Broadcast live to friends or public.
- Suitable for mobile devices
- Audio is only one way from the host.
- Viewers can give reactions, chat and comment in the stream.
Youtube Live – Broadcast live event, premieres or streaming sessions
- Requires installed software “OBS” on machine.
- Can only be done from laptop / desktop.
- Audio is only one way from the host.
- Stream live content from multiple sources. Camera / screen.
- Requires installed software “OBS” on machine.
- Can only be done from laptop / desktop.
- Stream live content from multiple sources. Camera / screen.
- Requires installed software “OBS” on machine.
- Can only be done from laptop / desktop.
Collaborative Whiteboards/Workspaces
Mural ( – A collaborative whiteboard area. Mural allows facilitators to run workshops or design sprints through customisable templates or a blank canvas.
- Multiple guests can draw and write simultaneously
- Multiple facilitators.
- No sign-up account required for participants
- Facilitates both named and anonymous guests.
- Best used on desktop but has an IOS app for mobile devices. Works in a browser on mobile but has a small field of view.
Miro ( – An alternative collaborative whiteboard area similar to Mural.
- Multiple guests can draw, add post-its and re-arrange content.
- No Sign-up required for participants.
- You can view a Miro board anonymously but you have to sign in to make changes.
Excalidraw (
Collaborative Note Taking, Writing
Google Docs – This is a collaborative text editing document.
- Multiple guests work on the same text file
- Create activities ahead of time for your workshop participants to fill in
- Facilitates both named and anonymous guests.
A document can become chaotic to work in with over 10 people.
Padlet ( –
Collaborative documents, boards, maps and more.
Etherpad (
Collaborative Planning, Decision Making
Trello ( )
Collaborative working, list/items based.
Loomio ( )
Collaborative working, decisions based.
Slido ( )
Run polls and quizzes in parallel with your session. Crowdsource questions from sessions audience (audience submit questions, vote on which questions get asked).
Q&A –
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Technological Considerations
The tools outlined above may not be suitable for what you are trying to achieve. That’s fine and we are happy for you to host using any tool you like. Be aware however of some of the technological considerations below:
International Access
- Can the tool be accessed in the countries of potential participants, including your own?
Simple or Single Sign On
- We want attending the conference to be as easy as possible
- We want to use as few tools as possible so that those attending the conference don’t have to create numerous accounts for all the tools used
- This can be mitigated with tools that allow anonymous collaboration (like Google Apps)
Mobile devices
- How does this tool work on a mobile device?
- Do your participants need to use a laptop or desktop computer?
- Do they have to install an App?
Bandwidth issues
- Does this tool require a good internet connection?
- As a host you may want a wired connection to ensure a reliable internet.
Session Hosts Handbook
(only available in English)
What you will find in the handbook:
- A session host checklist with essential dates
- A planning guide to get you started
- A session design guide
- Tips for effective facilitation and session planning
- A list of resources.
We will be updating this handbook. Do check back for more information. Please feel free to leave a comment with a question.
The IFRC Solferino Academy helps humanitarians find creative solutions to complex challenges.
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- IFRC Solferino Academy
- IFRC Solferino Academy
- IFRC Solferino Academy