28 emerging leaders from 28 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, working in 5 teams, accompanied by 10 coaches, on a 2-month assignment for the British Red Cross: 'How can we support refugees into work?' Watch the video to see the solutions our Fellows came up...
Insights and Inspirations
New partnership with the International Academy of Red Cross and Red Crescent in China
October 16 2021, the International Academy of Red Cross and Red Crescent in China and the IFRC Solferino Academy signed a cooperation agreement. Through this partnership, the two Academies aim to support the IFRC network in becoming a future-fit organisation capable...
My transformation journey as a leader in DNV
Ed note: DNV is a partner of the Norwegian Red Cross Society and IFRC. They are providing mentorship and guidance on digital transformation and leadership for IFRC’s Digital Transformation Team and the Solferino Academy. This is a post in our series on leadership. The...
Join Testing the Data Playbook content in October
We’re getting ready to launch the Data Playbook in December 2021. We’ve convened 1000s during IFRC Data and Digital Week and 100s in the Data Playbook v1 project. There is currently structure and content for all ten playbook modules (building on the Data Playbook...
What should the IFRC’s vision for digital identity look like?
We recently organized a series of workshops with the IFRC on Digital ID to review recent learning and experiences. The workshops were organized around the following question: What should the IFRC’s vision for digital identity look like? Some of the pieces are...
Pilot with us – Data is a team sport (updated)
Data is a team sport. Across the IFRC and National Societies, we use data and data literacy in our delivery of humanitarian services. Often, it isn’t always considered ‘data work’, but if you think about it – we connect with communities, listen and support...