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Insights and Inspirations

Innovation benefits and risks – balancing the aspects

Innovation benefits and risks – balancing the aspects

Innovation, efficiency, cybersecurity, resilience, are some of the values all humanitarian organisations strive to excel at. There is a price to pay: one cannot be good at everything; the art is to find the right balance. Extreme efficiency tends to be vulnerable to disrupting factors, thus may be less resilient, just like an innovation workstream that needs to deal with a higher likelihood of failure can bear a higher cybersecurity risk by nature.

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Towards inclusive digital events

Towards inclusive digital events

Three weeks have passed since the IFRC’s virtual Climate:Red summit came to an end. Plenty of time to reflect on our experience, what worked, and what did not work as well as expected. The event offered live interpretation in all four IFRC official languages, an unusual yet critical feature in the digital space for event organisers, the audience, and interpreters alike.

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Connecting our global network during the COVID Response

Connecting our global network during the COVID Response

How can there be a truly connected global Red Cross Red Crescent? Every day during the COVID 19 response we’ve heard people remark that this emergency has forced a very active conversation and rapid implementation on digital transformation. Several people reflected that in terms of digital transformation, we have achieved in 2 months what may have otherwise taken many years to build.

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