Check out the video below for a bright summary of this quarter’s essential headlines analyzed by IFRC's Social Media Master, Dante...
Insights and Inspirations
Information saves lives — scaling data analytics in the IFRC network
Data is now the world’s most valuable resource. What does that mean for the IFRC, a century-old membership organisation, consisting of...
When Product is a Service
Originally published April 12 2021 on Medium Let me ask you a question… Can you name me a product? What’s the first thing that comes...
Innovation benefits and risks – balancing the aspects
Innovation, efficiency, cybersecurity, resilience, are some of the values all humanitarian organisations strive to excel at. There is a price to pay: one cannot be good at everything; the art is to find the right balance. Extreme efficiency tends to be vulnerable to disrupting factors, thus may be less resilient, just like an innovation workstream that needs to deal with a higher likelihood of failure can bear a higher cybersecurity risk by nature.
Future of Vulnerability: Humanity in the Digital Age
The report is a resource for civil society, technologists and decision-makers to explore the complex questions about the vulnerabilities frontier technologies can introduce or heighten as well as the opportunities for collaborative exploration to develop and promote ‘humanity first’ approaches to data and technology.
Perspectives on Digital Transformation
This document answers the following request from IFRC: Reviews and summarizes the industry best practices and lessons learned around digital transformation (business, NGO, INGO) and includes examples citing case studies, recommended articles, and videos. Example models for implementation are shared.
Climate:Red Summit 2020
Over 10,000 people from 195 countries joined the 200 sessions at Climate:Red! Participants spent 30 hours discussing global needs and sharing local initiatives around climate change.
Towards inclusive digital events
Three weeks have passed since the IFRC’s virtual Climate:Red summit came to an end. Plenty of time to reflect on our experience, what worked, and what did not work as well as expected. The event offered live interpretation in all four IFRC official languages, an unusual yet critical feature in the digital space for event organisers, the audience, and interpreters alike.
Mapping COVID volunteers’ experience and insights
Volunteers and their stories during every emergency inspire us. Connecting a global RCRC volunteer and humanitarian network across the...
Service Behind the Screen
Tree planting, home building, food service, elder care. These traditional volunteer activities date back to the birth of civilization. In fact, the Bible, Quran, Torah, and Buddhism refer to gifts of service, charity to mankind, giving – each in some way sharing to followers that good comes from good deeds.
Pass The Torch
Let us always keep our torches burning so that the whole world can live the epidemic of Humanity and positive solidarity, celebrating the strength of being together even when physical distancing is necessary.
Connecting our global network during the COVID Response
How can there be a truly connected global Red Cross Red Crescent? Every day during the COVID 19 response we’ve heard people remark that this emergency has forced a very active conversation and rapid implementation on digital transformation. Several people reflected that in terms of digital transformation, we have achieved in 2 months what may have otherwise taken many years to build.