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The Case for Truly Neutral Humanitarian Financing

The Case for Truly Neutral Humanitarian Financing

Humanitarian funding is skewed by political bias and must recover a credible sense of neutrality to address massive humanitarian needs. To achieve this, Liana Ghukasyan calls on governments to live up to their Good Humanitarian Donorship commitments and take action to ensure aid reaches those who need it most, regardless of geopolitical interests.

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3 things we can be proud of in 2020 and 3 things to focus on in 2021

3 things we can be proud of in 2020 and 3 things to focus on in 2021

Any way you look at it 2020 was unprecedented, complex and challenging, and there is little indication that things will get any easier in the near future. Amongst the many difficulties we faced, however, a number of positives emerged alongside some key lessons for us going forward. At the Solferino Academy we spoke to 20 senior leaders across the IFRC and network of National Societies to ask their views on this. Here is some of what they told us:

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