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Review Your IFRC Data Playbook v1

by Heather Leson | Feb 24, 2022 | Insights and Inspirations

We’ve spent over a year designing, upgrading, and testing content for the IFRC Data Playbook v1. It's now time to discover what's in it.

We’ve spent over a year designing, upgrading, and testing content for the IFRC Data Playbook v1. Thousands of hours by over 270 contributors from the RCRC network (and some allies), including over 50 live events to co-curate 120 exercises, games, scenarios, checklists, and slides to support the data literacy journey. Our network-centric methodology resulted in a network of data literacy contributors creating over 500 pages!  We propose that our network can learn and support data skills by using a team-based social learning approach. Ownership is key to us reaching our network and meeting the data literacy needs with respect to the diverse topics, regions, and activities that the RCRC engages. We aimed to fit into people’s days with 30 minutes to 1 hour + session designs to explore lessons and key questions to improve data literacy. There is a big focus on data protection and responsible data use woven throughout each of the items in each module. 

IFRC Data Playbook V1 Table of Contents:

Design and review stage

The Data Playbook v1 draft design package is completed. This has been shared with the contributor teams. We know that people will be able to review and process the content better with our work ‘translated’ visually. Our editor team will collaborate with the 270 contributors to get comments and incorporate them into the final version. If you are with IFRC and want to join us, please contact [email protected]


The data playbook development process was highly collaborative with the community, volunteers and partners. With the social diversity of the collaborators, the data playbook project became more representative, diverse, equitable and inclusive, complementing women in emerging technology initiatives. Diversity mitigates the biases in data-informed decision-making and development.

Mahendra Samarawickrama, Australian Red Cross

It was a pleasure to see so many people from across the Red Cross Red Crescent network voluntarily sitting in virtual rooms to discuss data-related topics they are passionate about.  There was a great shared sense of building a product that can really make a change in how people work and make operational decisions.

Laurent Fernandez, IFRC Solferino Academy 

Improving data literacy can be an overwhelming challenge for a team to take on, when the fact-paced nature of our work creates many urgent and competing priorities. The Data Playbook meets teams where they are; it breaks down complex data topics into manageable portions that do not require multi-day trainings or intensive resources. Instead, the Playbook provides creative, practical ways for teams to integrate data literacy skills-building into their day-to-day work.

Katie Lilly, American Red Cross

About the Data Playbook

We look forward to sharing the final version with you. Teams are looking to implement the content as part of their programs and organizational data journeys.  You can learn more from the digital transformation team – that we will launch the Data Playbook v1 under a Creative Commons CC By-NC. 4.0 license for all to use and remix.)

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