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International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Kenya Red Cross
IFRC | Solferino Academy

The Storytellers Challenge

IFRC | Solferino Academy

Calling on Video Storytellers

Challenge is closed

Are you interested in using your storytelling skills to create inspiring videos that highlight positive transformations in your community and National Society?

Take the challenge, and join us as a reporter for the Global Innovation Summit 2023 and be part of our IFRC Solferino Academy team. We are looking for 5 volunteers/staff to create inspiring video content on innovation and transformation during the summit.

Who can Submit

Applications can be submitted by Red Cross or Red Crescent National Society individual volunteers or staff. We highly encourage staff and volunteers from branches to submit their ideas.

IMPORTANT: You should seek approval from your National Society before applying.

What to Submit

We ask that you submit a video (up to 5 minutes in length) telling us a creative story of change, innovation, or transformation from your National Society. The video should include interviews with or comments from key people involved in the initiative. Be sure to answer the following: 

  • Introduce yourself and your team.
  • What was the problem your National Society faced that required a major change or transformation, or what challenge did an individual or community face that you or your National Society wanted to help with?
  • Tell us what happened, what made it work, what was challenging, what did you/they do? Did you face any difficulties or failures? If so, what did you do about it? What was the change or innovation?
  • Who were the people involved? What were their motivations, and what is their story?
  • What were the results, and what impacts happened?
  • What is next, or what did you/they learn from it?

Have a look at some useful tips to take and edit a video.Your video application could be chosen by @SolferinoVoices and made public on YouTube.


Submissions are accepted in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, but please note that if you are selected to travel to Nairobi for the Global Innovation Summit, you will need to be able to work in English as no translation is provided at this event.

When to Submit

Submissions are open from March 27th, 2023, until April 23rd, 2023 – 12pm Central European Time. 

How to Submit

Click on the following button to register to the challenge and submit your video.

If for some reason you are unable to submit a video, you can send a one-page (300 words) written application or audio recording (3 minutes in length) by email to [email protected]

Challenge is closed

Selecting Winners

Eligible candidates must have a good level of English and be able to travel (with a valid passport), and the support of their National Society. 

Four of the winners will be selected by the IFRC Solferino Academy team on the basis of:

  • Relevance: The video submission should address the request for a story of transformation in the participant’s National Society, or innovation or change in our projects.
  • Quality: The overall quality of the video will be assessed based on its clarity, coherence, and engaging storytelling.
  • Narrative coherence: The video should have a harmonious narrative and a well-constructed story that effectively conveys the transformational/innovative journey.
  • Creativity: The video should showcase originality, creativity, and the ability to engage and captivate the audience.

One winner will also be selected by popular vote.  The popular vote winner is calculated by the most views x average duration of views of your video on the @SolferinoVoices YouTube channel by 6pm CET 30th April 2023. Only video applications will be considered for popular vote. 

  • All shortlisted entries will be posted on the @SolferinoVoices YouTube channel. Final winners will be notified by email on the 1st of May 2023.
  • One winner will also be selected by popular vote. The popular vote winner is calculated by the most views x average duration of views of your video on the @SolferinoVoices YouTube channel by 6pm CET 30th April 2023.
  • Winners will attend an online preparation meeting with the IFRC Solferino Academy team to help design and contribute to the communications strategy of the Global IFRC Innovation Summit 2023.
  • Winners will be invited to attend the Global Innovation Summit 2023 with all expenses covered and access to all in-person open sessions.
  • Winners will be part of the IFRC Solferino Academy Communications team helping with creating videos and reports at the Summit for our global network.
  • Winners can also help the IFRC Solferino Academy communications before, during, and after the event, and meet and exchange with the Kenya Red Cross communications team.
  • Need help? Contact us: [email protected]
IFRC | Solferino Academy