With the engagement of volunteers, Polish Red Cross has just started psychological helpline where qualified psychologists and psychotherapists are on duty. Between 10:00 and 22:00, seven days a week, they provide psychological support to people who experience the negative effects of the pandemic. It includes psychoeducation, first psychological aid, providing information on places where specialist help can be obtained. Regular feedback is conducted concerning gender, age group, kind of problems beneficiaries are facing. The work of psychologists and psychotherapists is supervised by an expert. It is the very first helpline that the National Society is offering to the beneficiaries and we are proud and happy that it is based on volunteer engagement.
We are proud and happy that it is based on volunteers engagement
With the engagement of volunteers, Polish Red Cross has just started psychological helpline where qualified psychologists and psychotherapists are on duty. Between 10:00 and 22:00, seven days a week, they provide psychological support to people who experience the negative effects of the pandemic. It includes psychoeducation, first psychological aid, providing information on places where specialist […]
Recent Publications: → Innovation may be hard, but… | → Is your organisation still… | → Innovation in the Face of Adversity…
Magdalena Stefańska
Polish Red Cross
April 8, 2020
Recent Publications: → Innovation may be hard, but… | → Is your organisation still… | → Innovation in the Face of Adversity…