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The Spray Men

Apr 7, 2020

There’s a pin drop silence at the Hospital’s Emergency Ward. When we arrived there it seems like all the doctors, nurses and staff are performing mannequin. We were really confused about what happened there and then we got to know that a patient tested positive for COVID-19 been brought there and died on the stretcher […]

There’s a pin drop silence at the Hospital’s Emergency Ward. When we arrived there it seems like all the doctors, nurses and staff are performing mannequin. We were really confused about what happened there and then we got to know that a patient tested positive for COVID-19 been brought there and died on the stretcher five minutes ago. That was the very first COVID-19 case for that hospital and everyone was in a little shock though they washed the floor already with bleaching water. We tried to assure them that there’s nothing to worry about if we disinfect the place well and they can all continue their work there. Then we started disinfecting the whole place with our sprayer. We disinfected every bed, chambers, cabins, desks, chairs and all the people at the emergency ward at that time. And we noticed it worked really well, they were very much assured and started touching their equipment and working.

Now it’s already been three weeks we’re spraying disinfectants at the hospitals for treating patients with COVID-19. Every day we are experiencing so many heart-warming events. It seems like we become a trusted partner of the doctors and the staff there. A senior doctor from one of the hospitals once said, “You young people bring much energy every day that we feel recharged and more motivated to serve when we see you working. We (doctor, nurses and patients) often wonder how brave you are and how great your parents are to let you do this work for humanity” Now people say “here comes the Spray Men” when they see us coming.

That’s how we become “The Spray Men” to them.

MD Elahi Rawshan
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
April 7, 2020

1 Comment

  1. Your involvement and passion for the job regarding this COVID19 circumstances is really commendable as so others with you. True inspiration for the young club of the society from the real life heroes.
    Go ahead and all the best my friend…


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