(Gaza – 21/4/2020): As soon as the lockdown was ordered in the Gaza Strip, the Society’s Rehabilitation Department created Facebook pages and WhatsApp groups targeting children, both with and without disabilities, as well as their parents, in order to monitor their needs as the lockdown continues.
Hence, information and exercises covering all aspects of the rehabilitation process including education, training, therapy, guidance and behavior management were communicated to parents. Information was also provided on the risks posed by the lockdown on children with disabilities as well as on the spread and prevention of COVID-19. Publications and information issued by PRCS and WHO were promoted while extracurricular activities were provided to children to develop their skills and fill their time with meaningful activities.
The 10 WhatsApp groups and 2 Facebook pages targeted 238 children with disabilities, 191 of their non-disabled peers and 290 parents. All participating children are enrolled in PRCS rehabilitation programs and services through schools, kindergartens, the Open Studio, programs for children with intellectual disabilities, extracurricular activities, vocational skills’ development programs and adult education programs.