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I understood that once more I was something very honorable

May 5, 2020

Hi, I am Hayriye from Kayseri/Turkey. I have been in the Turkish Red Crescent Youth family for about 1 year and responsible for the secretariat unit. I had the opportunity to attend many activities, but the event that affected me the most was the distribution of food in Ramadan in the COVID-19 process. We knocked […]

Hi, I am Hayriye from Kayseri/Turkey. I have been in the Turkish Red Crescent Youth family for about 1 year and responsible for the secretariat unit. I had the opportunity to attend many activities, but the event that affected me the most was the distribution of food in Ramadan in the COVID-19 process. We knocked on the door of a house, congratulated the month of Ramadan, and then gave our treats. An old woman who lived in that house thought of us more than herself. “Oh my merciful children it is raining, we could make do with bread. Do not be cold and sick. Be careful. Dry your hair when you arrive home. Thank you very much, God bless you.” I was very emotional when I heard her sentences. While we were distributing food for them street by street, their prayer was always with us. Their prayer was our guardian angels. I understood that once more I am doing something very honorable and holy. Thank you.

Hayriye Eyvazo
Turkish Red Crescent
May 5, 2020


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