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I feel so proud to have the opportunity to take part in this meaningful act

May 1, 2020

Malaysian government-enforced Movement Control Order (MCO) to prevent further spread of coronavirus and to flatten the curve of COVID-19. However, young volunteers of Malaysian Red Crescent remain active during this period to continue to serve the community. We started our D-I-Y face shield making project. The materials used in the making of face shields are […]

Malaysian government-enforced Movement Control Order (MCO) to prevent further spread of coronavirus and to flatten the curve of COVID-19. However, young volunteers of Malaysian Red Crescent remain active during this period to continue to serve the community. We started our D-I-Y face shield making project. The materials used in the making of face shields are simple and easy to obtain. I feel so proud to have the opportunity to take part in this meaningful action to protect our front-liners on duty to fight COVID-19.

Chong Cheng Yang
Malaysian Red Crescent
May 1, 2020


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