Even since the outbreak of COVID-19 since Jan, my life has been completely changed. Things become uncontrollable, people become anxious, living style becomes isolated. Even in my building, there are several confirmed cases. Nevertheless, it is a blessing that I do take care of my emotional changes and accept them. In the meantime, I realise my good cooking skill, which brings me back to living in the moment.
The psychological support service mode of “Shall We Talk” of Hong Kong Red Cross has modified due to the outbreak of COVID-19, during which volunteers provide the service at home. Although I came across new challenges in the service provision, my personal experience has also facilitated my understanding of the worries, distress and anxiety experienced by our service users. It is hoped that they could receive appropriate service or referral from us. And I learnt a lot in the process.
It is unclear when would COVID-19 fade out in our community, or the worst is yet to come. It may be a long journey to fight against this. With the unpredictability, what we can do is to do our best in maintaining our personal hygiene till the virus gone, our life will then come back to normal. Do prepare yourself for a better future!