There were 3 in our group on the open mike and a fourth listening in.
Vince from Hong Kong is new to the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. As a university professor his intire job has change and now he is also helping construct temporary field hospitals. The government has shut down the airports and now with Wuhan citizens allowed to travel there will be strict entry requirements and security with enhanced measures. To try and test people before releasing them from the airport.
Dave from Ontario Canada has been on total isolation and is a mental health provider, Dave has worked many years with the red cross including responding to major disasters from the forest fire in alberta and saskatchewan.
Adeline is new to the Red Cross. Her first introduction was the forest fires in 2018. During the COVID-19 outbreak, she was working in an accounting office. The essential services offices being offered have been revamped to increase physical distancing and changed the way individual services are offered. We have noticed the clients changing practices when interacting through a variety of non-contact methods.