Participants of Limitless were invited to create short-form videos outlining the challenges they faced in their communities, their proposed solutions and resources required. Through Action Translate, these videos were able to be translated into 17 languages – enabling worldwide distribution.
Relationships as drivers of change?
What are the attitudes and behaviours we need to nurture as we move towards our collective vision as captured in Strategy 2030? How can we support ambitious people to drive organisational change in support of the important transformations outlined? Read to know more…
2022 could be a year of great opportunities, what needs to happen?
Being fit for the future. As we are entering the new year, we are excited to present some of their thinking on the areas that we need to focus on in 2022 if we are going to be able to handle the high levels of uncertainty.
Planet:Red Summit showcased the power of many
On October 12-14, 2021, we came together as the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and organised a global, virtual summit Planet:Red. The focus of this summit was on two of the greatest threats in contemporary times, the climate crisis and pandemics, and also on stepping up the Movement’s local action to drive global impact on the humanitarian dimensions of both.
My transformation journey as a leader in DNV
In 2015 we embarked on our digital transformation in DNV, and it’s been an exciting journey both for DNV and for me as an individual, that we’re still in the middle of. In this blog post, I want to share my transformation journey from a leadership perspective, and some of my reflections and key takeaways from these years that I hope will inspire you in the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
Transformational leadership is pivotal for the survival of the National Societies
Mrs Terez Curry, the President of the Bahamas Red Cross, shares her thoughts about the pivotal role of transformational leadership for the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies around the world.
Food & Medicine Delivery, the last mile of social aid during the pandemic
Offering essential services such as food or medicine to underprivileged and marginalised people, whether in times of peace, pandemic, disaster or conflict, is a great challenge. The Covid-19 crisis has affected vulnerable households in almost every country, a phenomenon amplified by self-isolating people.
Thesis: Shifting Paradigm: Towards a Transformative and Holistic Vision of ‘Humanity’
This thesis seeks to rethink ̶ from an unconventional, holistic perspective ̶ the Fundamental Principle of Humanity (‘Humanity’) as adopted in 1965 by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the Movement).
What should the IFRC’s vision for digital identity look like?
We recently organized a series of workshops with the IFRC on Digital ID to review recent learning and experiences. The workshops were organized around the following question: What should the IFRC’s vision for digital identity look like?
Rumor Tracking: A Digital Transformation Approach
What is a rumor? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a rumor is “an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person”.
Data & Digital Week 2021
Get ready to learn and share data & digital skills to accelerate digital transformation in line with Strategy 2030.
Comprehensive Training And Innovation System (SIFI), Ecuadorian Red Cross In 2019, the IFRC launched the innovation challenge #100ideasRCRC. For this reason, Tatiana Campoverde...