April 2021 saw the Red Cross Red Crescent’s first-ever week-long, participant-driven and fully virtual event organised around one theme: data and digital. Around 4,000 staff and volunteers from the Red Cross Red Crescent network gathered online to share, learn, and...
Digital Transformation
Covid-19 Is a Call for Universalism
Crises are by definition breaking points. Something that we thought would hold – peace, health, transit system, electric supply, a way of life, a society – shatters. While dealing with the crisis, our understanding of the vulnerability of our world increases, as does...
Perspectives on Digital Transformation
Shaping a Digital Strategy with Partners How can we collaborate with partners on our digital transformation journey? IFRC and the Solferino Academy have had great success working with partners throughout. Over the past 2 years, IFRC and DNV GL have been on a journey...
Whatfuture nominated for the Digital Communication Award 2017
WhatFutures was an online game conducted entirely through WhatsApp. This game engaged Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers worldwide in creating a vision for 2030. This game was a collaboration with the IFRC Solferino Academy and OpenLab at...