IFRC Limitless, Learnings and Insights
“We came up with a handmade, reusable solution that reduces the cost of menstrual pads by 75% to 90% annually.”
A Limitless impact story from Uganda Hello! my name is Esther, and I am a youth volunteer from the Uganda Red Cross. I'm excited to tell you about how our innovation project helped female teenagers in our community while also protecting the environment. Here’s our...
Food & Medicine Delivery, the last mile of social aid during the pandemic
Offering essential services such as food or medicine to underprivileged and marginalised people, whether in times of peace, pandemic, disaster or conflict, is a great challenge. The Covid-19 crisis has affected vulnerable households in almost every country, a...
Covid-19 Is a Call for Universalism
Crises are by definition breaking points. Something that we thought would hold – peace, health, transit system, electric supply, a way of life, a society – shatters. While dealing with the crisis, our understanding of the vulnerability of our world increases, as does...
Looking after yourself is important if you want to look after others
The GCBC team are joined by Mike Adamson, CEO of the British Red Cross. Mike discusses the charity's role in responding to Covid, how he's planning to manage a significant deficit in BRC's income over the coming years, and what the pandemic has revealed about...
The power of local action in tackling the triple threats of climate, hunger, and COVID-19
The UN has reminded us that the climate crisis is the biggest threat facing humanity over the long term. According to the World Food Programme, 270 million people are nearing the brink of starvation and now, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis...