A Limitless impact story from Kenya After I joined the Limitless Youth Innovation Academy, I was confident enough that my initiative would lead to a positive change in my community, and I launched Cyber Limitless. Together with support from our local Red Cross...
Limitless Stories
“We came up with a handmade, reusable solution that reduces the cost of menstrual pads by 75% to 90% annually.”
A Limitless impact story from Uganda Hello! my name is Esther, and I am a youth volunteer from the Uganda Red Cross. I'm excited to tell you about how our innovation project helped female teenagers in our community while also protecting the environment. Here’s our...
“We couldn’t believe it, we saw depression and anxiety levels reduced by 80% among children and teenagers!”
A Limitless impact story from Ecuador Hola! My name is Darwin Carvallo, and I am an Ecuadorian Red Cross youth volunteer and one of the final winners of the Limitless Youth Innovation Academy. I'd like to share my innovation journey with you through our project, RUAH,...
“As raw materials, we used non-disposable manufactured products. The initiative was a tremendous success!”
A Limitless Impact Story from Uganda Have you ever turned your small idea into a local innovation? Here’s my innovation journey with the IFRC Limitless program to promote employment opportunities and environmental protection in my community during the pandemic. Hi, My...