A sample of our experts willing to offer support

Prateeksha Singh
Ms Prateeksha Singh is a multidisciplinary practitioner whose practice sits at the confluence of systems, foresight, and design research. She is driven to working with diverse voices and harnessing inclusive and plural images of the future, and her work in the past has focused on issues of gender, youth, (in)equity, and nature.
Singh is currently based in Bangkok as the Head of Experimentation with the United Nations Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Innovation Centre, where she supports the building of institutional innovation capabilities within regional UNDP offices, and external partners. These capabilities range from foresight, to reflecting on cohesion of current portfolios, systems change theory, and public policy innovation.
Singh holds a Master in Design Studies in Strategic Foresight & Innovation from Ontario College of Art & Design University in Toronto, sits on the board of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), chairs the annual virtual APF Futures Festival, and is the 2019 Next Generation Foresight Practitioner global award recipient for her work on equity based plural futures.

Pr. Sohail Inayatullah
Sohail Inayatullah, a political scientist and futurist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. Since 2000, he has been Professor at Futures Studies at Tamkang University, Taiwan and Associate, Melbourne Business School, the University of Melbourne. He teaches from metafutureschool.teachable.com. For 2021, he is virtual futurist-in-residence with the government of Abu Dhabi. His most recent book is Asia 2038 (in English, Korean, and Mandarin). In the past few months, he has conducted futures thinking programs with the Government of New Zealand; WHO; the Government of Egypt; Globe Telecom; ISESCO; UNESCAP, Queensland Police; the Korean Global Forum for Peace, and, Gurukul International.

DVL Padma Priya
DVL Padma Priya is an independent journalist who has written for leading media houses such as The Hindu, The Wire, IndiaSpend. She’s the co-founder and editor for one of India’s leading podcast only media platforms called Suno India, a multi-lingual podcast platform for issues that matter and home to 18 original shows. She has also worked as an advocacy and communication specialist for Nobel Peace Prize winning organisation Doctors Without Borders. Padma Priya is willing to share advocacy, communications planning, digital storytelling among other related topics.

Pr. Mamadou Dimé
Pr. Mamadou DIMÉ est professeur-chercheur au Département de sociologie de l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Sénégal). Il est titulaire d’un doctorat en sociologie de l’Université de Montréal (Canada). Il a à son actif plusieurs publications sur des thèmes tels que les migrations, le développement international, les transformations sociales, les politiques publiques, l’environnement et les changements climatiques, la pauvreté urbaine et la jeunesse. Pr. Dimé a, en outre, dirigé plusieurs projets de recherche au Canada et au Sénégal en tant que chercheur principal ou co-chercheur. M. Dime a accumulé une riche expérience comme expert au Sénégal et en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre.

Sarah Armouch
Sarah is particularly interested in topics related to civic engagement, participatory and service design, social innovation, youth innovation, solidarity economy, and sustainable development. Sarah is a Doctoral Researcher with Newcastle University and has previously worked with the IFRC Solferino Academy and was a volunteer with Lebanese Red Cross.
Sarah has been recently awarded as one of Top 100 Tech Women of 2021 in the UK.

Henry Caceres
Marketing Engineer from the Salesian Polytechnic University and has a Diploma in Youth and Societies in Latin America from FLACSO Ecuador. He is one of the creators and head of the Comprehensive Training and Innovation System of the Ecuadorian Red Cross. He currently serves as the Global Innovation Officer for the IFRC. He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of community development projects, social innovation, and entrepreneurship. He has managed and designed spaces and tools for the development of young people in different areas.

Safia Verjee
Safia Verjee is an experienced Programme Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Skilled in Analytical Skills, Market Research, Management, Proposal Writing, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Safia Verjee is also passionate and excited about humanitarian innovation and exploring new approaches, tools and processes for humanitarian service delivery. Safia is currently leading the implementation of Limitless – the IFRC Youth Innovation Academy.

Pr. Neil Maiden
Great Britain
Neil Maiden is Professor of Digital Creativity in the Faculty of Management at the Bayes Business Business (formerly Cass), where he is Director of the National Centre for Creativity enabled by AI (CebAI). He was also co-founder of the Centre for Creativity in Professional Practice at City, University of London. He initiates and leads interdisciplinary research in software engineering, creativity science and integrated health and social care. He has been a principal investigator on research worth over £64 million, directly managing over £10 million of this income at City. He has published over 250 peer-reviewed research papers in leading journals such IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and Communications of the ACM and conferences such the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. He is a recognised thought leader in his disciplines. His work has been recognised many times through invited keynote talks and awards from his peers.
His current funded and doctoral research is in 3 main disciplines: Digital creativity support for professional work, Specifying and designing complex digital systems and Digital support to improve the care of older people with dementia.
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