Implementing Strategy 2030

Implementing Strategy 2030

Strategy 2030 will be developed by National Societies supported by the IFRC Secretariat, it is led by the IFRC Governing Board.

The Strategy represents the collective ambitions of all National Societies and lays out a vision for the organization of the future. Strategy 2030 Report

Three main phases to the strategy development process

Understand the environment

Exploring through research, interviews, horizon scanning and extensive consultations with National Societies, what the world will bring to our doorstep in the next 10 years, including how other organisations and governments are adapting to this emerging future.

Our Ambition

Using a design approach and building off the trends analysis, develop visions of how we will operate in this emerging future. Explore our role, how we organize and structure ourselves, what areas we could focus on.  Build design principles for an organization that can be successful in the coming years.

Our path, getting to there from here

Articulating the form and content of the Strategy, developing key focus areas and indicators, to achieve our ambition. Presenting drafts, seeking feedback and iterating to the final version.

All stages of the process employ a Double Diamond approach, continuously opening up to explore and then narrowing into potential solutions, testing and iterating with stakeholders in the process.

How can national societies get involved and contribute to the strategy?

Joining one of the proactive teams

There are research, horizon scanning and critical review teams, all of which comprise National Society staff and volunteers. Click here to get involved!

Attending one of the futures and design workshops

Visit our events page for a full schedule or write to the team to explore setting up a workshop in your region.

Contribute feedback and input

Through this platform, content and updates are constantly published, leave a comment on the latest trends and transformations.

Reviewing draft documents and providing input

Each of the three stages will have draft versions available for review, these will be available on this platform and also distributed to all National Societies by the IFRC Secretary General. Your National Society can also submit a position paper outlining your views on Strategy 2030.

Engaging in the digital initiatives

A number of initiatives will be rolled out throughout the process, including online games, surveys and interviews. Stay tunned for more details.

Being interviewed as a key stakeholder

A custom designed digital application allows interviews all over the world with a range of stakeholders, the results of which will be analyzed and fed into the process.

Support the governing board

The IFRC Global Governing Board represents the National Societies and validates and approves key decisions in the S2030 process.