Call for papers
Structure of Position/Think Pieces
Objective: The Future of Red Cross and Red Crescent – the focus of Strategy 2030
Content: Content should consider the key futures themes that have been identified throughout the consultation process and particularly how they apply in your specific country/region. You can read these here:
The thin pieces / blog posts and story ideas can also consider some of the following questions:
What trends are emerging in your country or region that are most concerning to you?
Given the changes occurring in the world, what implications do these pose on our operating models, structures, governance and decision-making processes? What kind of organisation will be successful in the coming years? What key changes do we have to make to be more effective and efficient?
How will these trends affect vulnerability? Who will be vulnerable and where?
How can a global strategy be more useful for National Societies?
Considering the potential opportunities and threats that are emerging, what are our largest opportunities to contribute to societal and human development over this period?
Think pieces / blog posts and story ideas can be submitted by National Societies, Reference Centres or international representations of technical teams (e.g. HR, Legal Advisors, Health etc.). We are also interested in papers from regions, sub-regions or other collectives of National Societies (e.g. Small Island Developing States).
More than one paper can be submitted addressing different issues and themes or consolidated papers can be provided. They can be submitted anytime up to March 31st 2019 and should be no longer than 8 pages. Please note that it should be stipulated if the paper is confidential otherwise it will be uploaded to this platform.