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#100 Ideas Results

by IFRC Solferino Academy | Jun 19, 2020 | Events


An incredible 140 offers of support for the projects from you

Which National Society’s project did you like?

NameNational SocietyProject NameProject Description
Ms Diana Lopez & Mr Esteban PachonColombia Red CrossColectivo Experimental ArtísticoA youth collective of experimental artists who have been working with Colombian RC branches on art/theatre-led values type projects. They want to build this approach into digital campaigns and workshops reaching a national youth population on issues of violence and inequality
Mr Ibrahim El-Gehani Libyan Red CrescentService LearningEngaging a disengaged population of skilled university students to undertake service-learning approaches with volunteering that is integrated to university curriculum and promotes innovation in skilled, volunteer-led design of approaches
Mr Samuel Ouma Mijwanga        Kenya Red CrossTraining Refugee Health WorkersBuilding a program that helps strengthen refugee’s self-reliance, sustainability and resilience in healthcare by transforming their capacities and working to support their leadership becoming healthcare service providers.
Ms Jane ShapiroAmerican Red CrossNetwork Your WayCreation of a digital platform where youth volunteers can propose and outline projects they want to work on with their NS, and then crowd source funding from individuals around the world for the projects
Mr Muazzam Shah     Pakistan Red CrescentTransgender First AidA social inclusion program for transgender people, helping them to become first aid trainers/project leaders and to promote first aid to marginalised populations
Ms Tatiana Campoverde & Mr Henry CaceresEquador Red CrossSIFIA national youth innovation initiative to source ideas for programs from young people and provide accelerator/boot camp and other support to get them implemented
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