We do this in alignment with the transformation priorities of the IFRC Strategy 2030 and the IFRC Agenda for Renewal.
Our three areas of focus are;
1. We help leaders transform for the future
We support leadership in all its forms to develop the capabilities and insights needed to lead transformation, adapt to changing realities and to build systems and cultures for change.
2. We are a Think Tank for the IFRC Network
We provide platforms for new thinking and approaches where National Societies can learn from others and strengthen their own strategies and transformation processes.
3. We catalyse and promote Innovation
We develop initiatives that help promote innovation and the enabling environments necessary for it to thrive in our network.
Our Major Partner is the Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross)
““By learning different ways to think about future, we give ourselves more choices today, which allows us to actively work for the world we want to see”
IFRC Solferino Academy's Global Lead for Strategic ForesightDo you want to keep up with us?
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