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Innovation Challenge: We’ve got winners!

We are happy to announce the names of 8 innovations that have been selected by our panel of experts to receive support to be implemented or developed. 

Click to watch, like, comment and share their videos on Youtube.

Youth activities based on humour

Brian Wambede from the Uganda Red Cross Society wins 10,000 CHF

Community market gardening & agro-ecology

Elodie Bationo from Burkinabe Red Cross Society wins 10,000 CHF

Awareness and groundwater recharging

Tharindu Kumara from Sri Lanka Red Cross Society wins 10,000 CHF

A fund to encourage youth innovation

Manuel Isaula from Honduran Red Cross wins 5,000 CHF

Urban agriculture solutions

Elisah Nahavitatsara from Malagasy Red Cross Society wins 5,000 CHF

Games for climate & environmental education

Siri Vadlamudi from the Trinidad & Tobago Red Cross Society wins 5,000 CHF

Getting prepared to extreme climate events

Innocent Iguma from the Uganda Red Cross Society wins 2,500 CHF

BINGOgreen Challenge

Farah Putri Arijani from Indonesian Red Cross Society wins 2,500 CHF

ThANKs to all participants

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