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Find the results of #100ideasRCRC

Thank you for all your brillant ideas, we received over 400 submissions from almost 100 National Societies.


As the IFRC celebrates its 100 years, we look back at 100 years of service and, at the same time look into the future where Strategy 2030 envisages a network that embraces young people as idea generators, innovators and mobilisers for humanitarian causes. The IFRC is organizing the 100 Ideas Challenge to celebrate the new ideas of the coming century and the role of young people in driving social change. We are asking young people to submit their ideas for innovative projects that could make a difference in their community and world.


All nominations must be by young people aged between 16 and 30 years old from a National Society of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, either as a volunteer or staff member. Submissions will be judged on;

• The potential of the project to improve the lives of vulnerable people according to the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

• The innovation of the project

• That the project is well thought through and has considered how it would be implemented and what the risks would be and how these would be managed.

• The project addresses one or some of the challenges and transformations identified in Strategy 2030 visit for more information

A selection of the best ideas for projects will be flown to Geneva all expenses paid and will participate in a pitch event at the General Assembly of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies where they could win funding for their project.

Winners will receive coaching on how to build and deliver pitches from Innovation experts within the Red Cross and Red Crescent network.

All winners will be announced in mid-September 2019.