How can we better co-design and prototype emerging technology with communities at the center? Over the past year, Nepal Red Cross, Cameroon Red Cross, Nesta UK, and IFRC Solferino Academy explored how emerging technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI), could support the effective delivery of humanitarian work by involving communities in the design in two very different contexts. This project was done during a global pandemic and ongoing emergencies with the everyday complexities of humanitarian response.
Read all articles written by IFRC Solferino Academy
Solferino FutureFellows announcement 2022
Following a successful pilot in 2021, FutureFellows will be back this year! We will launch the call for applications on Wednesday 30...
FutureFellows 2021: Innovation challenge with the British Red Cross
Imagine. It’s 2051. The town/place where you live has undergone significant changes over the past generation.
How can we Better Mobilise Communities?
Inspiring and mobilising volunteerism — is one of the transformations in the IFRC Strategy 2030, which we have together committed to achieve in the coming years. But what does this actually entail, and where do we begin?
Strategy 2030
Strategy 2030 embodies The Red Cross and Red Crescent long-standing vision and further enhances it, to ensure that it remains a dynamic global network of organisations that are fit for purpose and always thereto accompany people and communities.
New partnership with the International Academy of Red Cross and Red Crescent in China
How does humanitarian response need to change to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century emerging across the globe? Four thought leaders coming from four different continents will convene in the same space to engage in a provocative and honest discussion
Planet:Red Summit showcased the power of many
On October 12-14, 2021, we came together as the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and organised a global, virtual summit Planet:Red. The focus of this summit was on two of the greatest threats in contemporary times, the climate crisis and pandemics, and also on stepping up the Movement’s local action to drive global impact on the humanitarian dimensions of both.
The Solferino Academy appears in Design for Social Innovation, Case Studies from Around the World
‘The Future Is Now’ is an exhibition that comprises of multiple artefacts and scenarios that speculated on what humanitarian operations could look like in 2030. The IFRC Solferino Academy and Open Lab at Newcastle University collaborated with an array of design agencies and curators to bring this exhibition to life.
Design your next community-driven event: lessons from Data and Digital Week
April 2021 saw the Red Cross Red Crescent’s first-ever week-long, participant-driven and fully virtual event organised around one theme: data and digital. Around 4,000 staff and volunteers from the Red Cross Red Crescent network gathered online to share, learn, and discuss data and digital innovations, initiatives, and ideas.
Lessons on the expression of solidarity in a pandemic
During the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic, Spanish Red Cross had an unprecedented influx of people interested in volunteering. Management of volunteering the months of the highest peak of the pandemic was a challenge and an extraordinary opportunity and they decided it was worthy to analyse it deeper.
Imagine, it’s 2051
Imagine. It’s 2051. The town/place where you live has undergone significant changes over the past generation.
Digital Identity – An Analysis for the Humanitarian Sector Final
This research report was commissioned by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with the support of the Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project consortium and was delivered by the Oxford Centre for Technology and Development.