“We trained 120 farmers from 15 different communities how to make organic fertilisers, and they are now training other members of their communities!”

by Saratu Aboki | Set 25, 2022 | Innovation Stories, Limitless Stories

A Limitless Impact Story from Nigeria

I started out searching for a solution on how to help members of my local community overcome the hunger crises brought about by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to help farmers with a more cost-effective way of farming, of which the long term benefit would cut across their personal health and the environment at large.

While doing this research, I came across the IFRC Solferino Academy Limitless program, calling for young people with innovative ideas on how to help their communities overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I saw this as a great opportunity to reach more people even beyond my community, and it was indeed a dream come true when my proposal scaled through the first phase and eventually was among the last 60 project implementers around the world. For me, this was a great feast, even though I would have loved to be among the 10 finalists. I am grateful to the Limitless program for making this happen.

My project focused on training farmers to produce organic fertilizers as a more affordable catalyst to help boost food yield in their farms. Due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of these farmers  could no longer afford fertilizers and farming implements for their farms, affecting their crop yield and causing starvation.

Training on how to make organic fertilizer
After training with volunteers and local farmers

I therefore set out with a team of volunteers to train farmers in the communities. I trained 120 farmers from about 15 communities, who have gone ahead to do step down training to members of their communities, and this is still ongoing. Moreover, I continue to receive positive testimonies from farmers.

I would like to highlight the Limitless webinar trainings I received which has increased my capacity to do more and express myself more confidently. With this project, I have also been able to link up with several persons and organisations impacting the world in different ways, therefore exposing me to other areas of human and environmental concerns in which they are working on, as such affecting my perspective in dimensions I never thought of.

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