Internal priority areas
Some clear areas of focus are beginning to emerge for Strategy 2030. While there is still some distance to go before the consultations are completed in mid-2019, fresh insights are representing both tensions and opportunities for the future Red Cross Red Crescent network. They emerged from the nine trends and transformations impacting the world and how the network operates.
The following topics represent the most common issues raised in the consultations so far. They will be further developed as the consultation process goes on until the Strategy is presented in early 2019.
A digitally transformed network
Future Organizational Model and Culture
Enhancing Trust and Integrity
Promoting Financial Sustainability Through Diversified Funding and Partnerships
Reimagining Volunteering and youth

What's missing?
Write below in the comments what other strategic area(s) is missing.
What actions can we begin immediately to address the challenges we are currently facing?
What future focused actions can we start to experiment with to address emerging trends that are likely to impact on us in the next 10 years?
What is the value of us taking this action?
What are the barriers that exist for us to tackle this issue?
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